Danielle Le Moine began taking photos in 2004. Originally a writer/poet at a loss for words,

Danielle began taking snapshots and discovered an untapped resource. Self-taught at first,

Danielle quickly found opportunities with Papierdoll Magazine as well as several other freelance gigs.

Danielle is currently the photo editor of Papierdoll Magazine and has captured dozens of models as well

as Olympus Fashion Week and The Tribeca Film Festival. Although primarily interested in gallery work,

Danielle has a strong interest in commercial portraiture and fashion photography. Danielle currently attends

the Fashion Institute of Technology and intends to receive a degree in photography. Danielle's greatest

aspirations are to continue to evoke powerful emotions and moods through her work. She is an avid user

of DeviantArt ; a website for artists, where she goes by the name Deadtulips: a pseudonym

which represents many of her artistic endeavors, in which she creates scenes balanced greatly

in the realm of light and darkness... which will hopefully allow others to speculate about the things in life

that perhaps should not be.


Copyright 2006. Danielle Le Moine

Email Danielle Le Moine